State department of Education

Website A-Z Guide

21st Century Community Learning Centers


ABCTE – American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence

ABCTE – American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence Frequently Asked Questions

Academic Achievement and Distinguished Schools Awards – Title I

Academic Scholar Recognition Program


Accommodations for Students on an IEP or 504 Plan


Accountability at a Glance – *Reporting Requirements Document Calendar

Accreditation Applications

Accreditation Frequently Asked Questions

Accreditation Standards Division

ACE – Achieving Classroom Excellence

ACE College Preparatory Curriculum Opt Out List (On the Accreditation Application)

Achieving Classroom Excellence (ACE)

Achieving Classroom Excellence (ACE) Frequently Asked Questions

Achieving Classroom Excellence (ACE) Resources

ACT – American College Test

Administrative Code Rules

Administrative Salary Listings

Administrators Information – Special Education

Administrators Index

Adult Education and Family Literacy

Advanced Placement Incentive Program (AP)

After-School Snack Program

Allocation – National Board Certified Bonus Notice of Allocation


Allocations from Federal Education Jobs Act

Alternative Education Programs

Alternative Placement Program

Alternative Placement Program Frequently Asked Questions

American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE)

American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE) Frequently Asked Questions

Annexations and Consolidations

Annual Report – Financial Information on Oklahoma Public Schools

Annual Performance Report (APR) – Special Education

AP – Advanced Placement

Apangea Math – Think Through Math



Assessment – Special Education

Assessments – Test Security and Assessment Monitoring

Assessment Administrator Resources

Assistant Principal’s Salary Listings

Assistant Superintendent’s Salary Listings

Assistive Technology

Auditing – Financial Accounting

Award – Milken Educator

Awards for Arts Excellence – State Superintendent’s


Background Checks (Personnel) & Sex and Violent Crime Offender Registry

BAV – Building Academic Vocabulary

Bilingual – Title III, Part A, LEP and Immigrant

Blue Ribbon Schools

Blueprints, PLDs, Item Specs and Released Items

Board of Education – State – Bios, Meetings, Agendas, Handouts

Boards of Education – Local

Botball Grant

Breakfast Program

Building Academic Vocabulary

Bullying Prevention

Bus Driver Information



CACFP – Child and Adult Care Food Program

Capitol Update Blog

CARG-A – Curriculum Access Resource Guide-Alternate

Cash Management Applications

Celebrate Freedom Week

Certification – Teacher

Certification Guide for School Staff Assignments

Charter School Training

Charter Schools

Charter Schools Frequently Asked Questions

Chat Abbreviations

Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

Child Nutrition Documents

Child Nutrition Links and Resources

Child Nutrition Programs

Child Nutrition Programs Contact Information

Code Rules – Administrative

Coded Handbook – Financial Accounting

Committee of Practitioners

Community Frequently Asked Questions

Community Information

Compliance – Special Education

Conference Sponsorship/Donation Approval Process

Consolidated State Performance Report

Constitution Day

COP – Committee of Practitioners


Criteria for Evaluation of Effective Teaching and Administrative Performance

Criteria Training

CSPR – Consolidated State Performance Report

Curriculum Access Resource Guide-Alternate (CARG-A)

Curriculum Mapping


Data/Reporting Part B and Part C – Special Education

DDP – District Data Profile – Special Education

Deregulation Application and Statutory Waivers – Accreditation

Diploma – Veterans

Directory – SDE Staff

Directory – Statewide Schools

Dispute Resolution – Special Education

Distinguished Schools Awards and Academic Achievement- Title I

District Data Profile (DDP) – Special Education

District Monitoring Reports – Special Education

Documents & Forms – Special Education

Documents – Child Nutrition

Donation/Sponsorship Approval Process

Driver’s Education

Dropout Report


Early Childhood and Family Education

Early Childhood Developmental Skills – 4 Year Old

Early Childhood Special Education

eClaims System

Education Directory

Education Law Book

Educational Interpreter Registry

Educational Interpreters

Educational Interpreters Requirements

Educational Support

Educator Currents Blog

Educators Frequently Asked Questions

Educators Hall of Fame

Educators Information

Educators/Service Providers Information – Special Education

Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

Employment Resources

EngageOK – Summer Conference (Formally Vision2020)

ESEA – Elementary and Secondary Education Act

Even Start Family Literacy Program – Title I, Part B


Event Sponsorship/Donation Approval Process


Family & Community Engagement

Family Education and Early Childhood

Family Literacy and Adult Education


FBA – Flexible Benefit Allowance

Federal Compliance Reports – Financial Accounting

Federal Programs

Finance – Special Education

Financial Accounting

Fingerprint Information

First Year Superintendent’s

Flexible Benefit Allowance (FBA)

Food Service Program – Summer (SFSP)

Foreign Languages (World Languages)

Four-Year-Olds and Younger Certificate Frequently Asked Questions

Freedom Week

Frequently Asked Questions – Community

Frequently Asked Questions – Educators

Frequently Asked Questions – Leadership

Frequently Asked Questions – Parents

Frequently Asked Questions – Students

From the Superintendent’s Desk Blog


Gang Violence Prevention

GED®– General Educational Development

Gifted and Talented Education

Grading System – A-F

Graduation Requirements

GT – Gifted and Talented Education

Guide to Immunization Requirements in Oklahoma – from the Oklahoma State Department of Health


Hall of Fame, Oklahoma Educators

Handouts – State Board of Education Meetings

Health and Physical Education

Health Resources

Help Desk – SDE Service Desk

Help Hotlines

High Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) and Highly Qualified Definition

High School Diploma – Veterans

High School Diplomas Issued by the State Department of Education

High School Graduation Requirements

Higher Education

Highly Qualified Definition and High Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE)

Home School

Homeless Education – McKinney-Vento Assistance Program- Title X, Part C

Honor Society – Oklahoma

HOUSSE – High Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation and Highly Qualified Definition

Human Resources – Oklahoma State Department of Education


IDEA-B Advisory Panel

Immigrant and LEP – Title II, Part A

Immunizations for School – from the Oklahoma State Department of Health

Impact Aid – Financial Accounting

Improving Teacher and Principal Quality – Title II, Part A

Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged – Title I, Part A

Income-Low Reports

Indian Education


Instructional Materials

Instructional Technology

Interlocal Cooperatives (ILCs)

Internet Safety

iRead Blog

iTunes U


Jobs within the Oklahoma State Department of Education


Language Arts Education

Latest News

Leader Frameworks – Oklahoma Teacher & Leader Effectiveness (TLE)

Leadership News

Learn & Serve Oklahoma

Legislative Updates

LEP and Immigrant – Title III, Part A

Library Media Programs

Limited English Proficient (LEP) and Immigrant – Title III, Part A

Lindsey Nicole Henry (LNH) Scholarship Program for Children with Disabilities

Literacy and Reading

LNH – Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarship Program for Children with Disabilities

Local School Boards of Education

Local School Board Member Training Points

Low-Income Reports

Lunch Program


Maintenance of Effort (MOE) – Special Education Frequently Asked Questions

Marzano’s Causal Teacher Evaluation Model – Oklahoma Teacher & Leader Effectiveness (TLE)

Math – Think Through Math (formerly Apangea Math)


McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Program – Title X, Part C

McREL’s Principal Evaluation Systems – Oklahoma Teacher & Leader Effectiveness (TLE)

Media Room

Mediation Frequently Asked Questions – Special Education

Migrant Education Program, Title I, Part C

Milk Program – Special (SMP)

Milken Educator Award

Minimum Teacher Salary Schedule – State

Mission and Title IX Policy – SDE

MOE – Maintenance of Effort – Special Education Frequently Asked Questions


NAEP – National Assessment of Educational Progress

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

National Board Certified Bonus Notice of Allocation

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Frequently Asked Questions

National Milken Educator Award

National School Breakfast Program

National School Lunch Program

Native American Education

NBPTS – National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Frequently Asked Questions

Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth – Title I, Part D

NET – Nutrition Education and Training Program

News Releases

No Child Left Behind Blue Ribbon Schools

Notice of Allocation

Nutrition Documents

Nutrition Education and Training Program (NET)

Nutrition Programs


OAAP – Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program

OCAS – Oklahoma Cost Accounting System – Financial Accounting

OCAS – Oklahoma Cost Accounting System Manual – School District Financial Reports, Expenditures and Revenues

OCAS – Oklahoma Cost Accounting System Manual and Transparency

OECS – Oklahoma Educator Credentialing System

Office of Instruction

Office of Legal Services

Office of School Support

Oklahoma Academic Standards

Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program (OAAP)

Oklahoma Alternative Placement Program Frequently Asked Questions

Oklahoma Priority Academic Student Skills

Oklahoma Charter Schools Program

Oklahoma Cost Accounting System (OCAS) – Financial Accounting

Oklahoma Cost Accounting System (OCAS) Manual – School District Financial Reports, Expenditures and Revenues

Oklahoma Cost Accounting System (OCAS) Manual and Transparency

Oklahoma Education Single Sign-On

Oklahoma Educational Interpreter Registry

Oklahoma Educators Hall of Fame

Oklahoma First Year Superintendent’s

Oklahoma High School Graduation Requirements

Oklahoma Honor Society

Oklahoma Institutions of Higher Education 

Oklahoma Learn & Serve

Oklahoma Milken Educator Award

Oklahoma Parents as Teachers (OPAT)

Oklahoma School Districts Websites

Oklahoma School Laws

Oklahoma School Report Cards

Oklahoma School Testing Program (OSTP)

Oklahoma State Department of Education Staff Directory

Oklahoma State Textbook Committee – Outside Link

Oklahoma Teacher & Leader Effectiveness (TLE)

Oklahoma Teacher of the Year

Oklahoma Tiered Intervention System of Support (OTISS)

Oklahoma Title I Paraprofessional Teaching Credential (Teaching Assistant) Frequently Asked Questions

OKSDE Botball Grant

OMAAP – Oklahoma Modified Alternative Assessment Program – Blueprints

OMAAP – Oklahoma Modified Alternative Assessment Program – Parent, Student, and Teacher Guides (PSTGs)

OMAAP – Oklahoma Modified Alternative Assessment Program – Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs)

OMAAP – Oklahoma Modified Alternative Assessment Program – Science Transition Resources

OMAAP – Oklahoma Modified Alternative Assessment Program – Special Education

OMAAP – Oklahoma Modified Alternative Assessment Program – Test and Item Specification Documents

Online Course Providers (Supplemental)

Online Lingo

OPAT – Oklahoma Parents as Teachers

Open Records Request

OSDE iTunes U

OSTP – Oklahoma School Testing Program Manuals

OTISS – Oklahoma Tiered Intervention System of Support


PAEMST – Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching

Paraprofessionals – Title I, Part A

Parent, Student, and Teacher Guides (PSTGs)

Parent Frequently Asked Questions

Parent Information

Parent Links – Special Education

Parent Power Blog

PBIS – Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

PE (Physical Education) and Health

Perfect Attendance Certificates

Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs)

Permanent Rules

Personal Financial Literacy

Personnel Background Checks & Sex and Violent Crime Offender Registry

Personnel Records

Physical Education and Health

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)

Press Releases

Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth who are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk – Title I, Part D

Prevention Education

Principal’s Salary Listings

Priority Academic Student Skills – Oklahoma C3

Private School Services

Professional Development – Advanced Placement

Proficiency Based Promotion

Publications – Sign Up


Qualitative Components – Teacher & Leader Frameworks – Oklahoma Teacher & Leader Effectiveness (TLE)


Reading and Literacy

Reading and Literacy Resources

Reading Sufficiency Act (RSA)

REAP – Rural Education Achievement Program – Title VI

Recognition and Awards Program – Title I

Records Request – Open (pdf)

Reeves’ Leadership Performance Matrix – Oklahoma Teacher & Leader Effectiveness (TLE)

Regional Accreditation Officers (RAOs)

Registry – Oklahoma Educational Interpreter

Report Card for Schools

Reporting Requirements Document and Calendar *Formally Accountability at a Glance

Requirements for Educational Interpreters

Response to Intervention (RtI)

Robotics Grant – OSDE & FIRST

RSA – Reading Sufficiency Act

RSS Feeds

RtI – Response to Intervention

Rules – Permanent

Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) – Title VI


Safe and Drug-Free Schools – Title IV

Safe and Healthy Schools – Title IV

Safety – Internet

Salary Listings – Administrative

SAT® – Scholastic Assessment Test

School Breakfast Program

School Bus Driver Information

School Board Member Training Points

School Choice

School District Reporting Site (SDRS) (now Oklahoma Education Single Sign-On)

School Districts & Site Directory

School District Transparency Act (Public Site)

School Improvement

School Improvement Grant (SIG)

School Laws of Oklahoma

School Lunch Program

School Personnel Records

Schoolwide Programs – Title I, Part A

Science Education

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – STEM

SDE Mission and Title IX Policy

SDE Service Desk

SDE Staff Directory

SDRS – School District Reporting Site (now Oklahoma Education Single Sign-On)

SFSP – Summer Food Service Program

SIG – School Improvement Grant

Sign Language Enhancer Products

Sign Up for Publications (Multiple news options)

Single Sign-On (Oklahoma Education Single Sign-On

Site Map

SMP – Special Milk Program

Snack Program – After School

Social Studies


SoonerStart Data Profile (SDP)

SPDG – State Personnel Development Grant

Special Education

Special Milk Program (SMP)

Sponsorship/Donation Approval Process

SPP – State Performance Plan – Special Education

Staff Directory – SDE

Standards – Drafting Oklahoma’s Standards

Standards – Oklahoma Academic Standards

Standards for Accreditation of Oklahoma Schools

Standards of Performance and Conduct for Teachers

State Aid

State Board of Education – Bios, Meetings, Agendas, Handouts

State Board of Education Meeting Handouts

State Data Profiles – Special Education

State Department of Education Staff Directory

State Minimum Teacher Salary Schedule

State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG)

State Superintendent Awards for Arts Excellence

State Testing Schedule – Assessment

State Textbook Committee, Oklahoma – Outside Link

Statewide School Directory

Statutory Waiver and Deregulation Applications – Accreditation

STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Student Dropout Report

Student Information System

Student Transfers

Student Transportation

Students Frequently Asked Questions

Subject Codes – Accreditation

Substance Abuse Prevention

Suicide Prevention

Summer Conference – EngageOK

Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)

Superintendent’s – First Year

Superintendent’s Salary Listings

Supplemental Online Course Procedures and Rules

Supplemental Online Course Providers


Targeted Assistance Programs – Title I, Part A

Teacher and Leader Effectiveness (TLE)

Teacher and Student Recognition/Awards

Teacher Certification

Teacher Certification Frequently Asked Questions

Teacher & Leader Effectiveness (TLE)

Teacher & Leader Effectiveness (TLE) – Qualitative Components

Teacher/Educator Index

Teacher of the Year

Teacher Induction Program

Telecommunications/Instructional Technology

Test and Item Specification Documents

Test Support (Teachers and Administrators)

Testing Calendar

Textbook Committee, Oklahoma State – Outside Link

Think Through Math (formerly Apangea Math)

Title I, Part A – Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged

Title I, Part A Paraprofessional Requirements – Frequently Asked Questions

Title I, Part C – Migrant Education Program

Title I, Part D – Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth who are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk

Title I Distinguished Schools Awards

Title I Paraprofessional Teaching Credential (Teaching Assistant) Frequently Asked Questions

Title I Recognition and Awards Program

Title II, Part A – Improving Teacher and Principal Quality

Title III, Part A – Limited English Proficient (LEP) and Immigrant

Title IV – Safe and Drug-Free Schools

Title VI – Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP)

Title IX Policy – SDE Mission

Title X, Part C – McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Program

TLE – Teacher and Leader Effectiveness

Traditional Certification General Questions



Troops to Teachers

Tulsa’s TLE Observation and Evaluation System – Oklahoma Teacher & Leader Effectiveness (TLE)

Turn Around Don’t Drown

Tutoring – Think Through Math


Vaccines for School – from the Oklahoma State Department of Health

Veterans High School Diploma

Violence (Youth) Prevention


the Wave – Student Information System

World Languages


Youth Violence Prevention

State Department of Education